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推動石墨烯/MXene 二維材料的綠色革命

由歐盟「地平線歐洲」科研創新計劃資助的 SAFARI 項目(Sustainable And Functional Advanced two-dimensional mateRIals) 已正式啟動。

匯集來自 8 個歐洲國家的 11 家頂尖機構,致力於開發石墨烯與MXene二維材料的可持續安全生產工藝,加速其從實驗室走向產業應用。


  1. 智慧導電油墨:基於石墨烯/MXene 複合材料,開發印刷電子技術,製造超薄    RFID 標籤與柔性顯示幕。

  2. 智慧感測系統:開發高靈敏度 MXene 複合感測器,應用於工業監測與醫療診斷。

  3. 電磁遮罩材料:創新二維材料複合結構,為 5G 通信設備提供輕量化解決方案。


  • 開發 MXene/石墨烯雜化材料的先進合成技術。

  • 建立無毒、可規模化生產的綠色製程。

  • 構建材料性能優化資料庫。

  • 制定全生命週期安全評估標準。


SAFARI 項目完整的創新鏈:

  • 材料合成:西班牙 AIMEN 技術中心。

  • 應用驗證:以色列航空航天工業。

  • 產業化落地:德國 AXIA 創新公司。

此外,專案團隊還與西班牙 ITENE 研究所、葡萄牙 ISQ 研究院合作,加速材料在環保包裝與智慧焊接領域的應用轉化。


SAFARI 項目的成功,未來將催生 20 項以上專利技術,為歐盟2030工業戰略提供關鍵材料支撐,加速二維材料的產業化進程。

The SAFARI project

The SAFARI project aims to develop new 2D materials using sustainable and safe processes. 

The project focuses on creating hybrid formulations of MXenes and Graphene (Gr), which are known to possess unique and desirable properties, such as thermal stability and electrical conductivity. The project aims to develop sustainable and safe materials that can be used in a wide range of applications, such as biosensors, conductive ink, and EMI shielding. 

The SAFARI project begins with preparing precursor compounds known as MAX phases. These compounds are then used to produce two types of MXenes (Ti3C2 and Cr2C), which are further functionalized to enhance their properties and increase their affinity with Graphene. The resulting 2D hybrid materials are created using two different methods, and their structural, morphological, and functional properties are thoroughly examined. 

One of the main strengths of the SAFARI project is that it is aligned with the SSbD principles. Thus, assessment of the toxicological and eco-toxicological profiles of the new materials through a range of tests and assays will be conducted. 

In conclusion, the SAFARI project represents a significant step forward in the development of 2D hybrids with MXenes/Graphene for use in a wide range of applications.


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